As a teenager, any illusion of the criminal justice system being designed to protect good from bad or right from wrong was shattered when a close family member found themselves facing serious charges. As they fought to defend themselves, I witnessed first-hand a system stacked against the accused from the start. Faced with the overwhelming power of the state, I also understood the power and importance of having the right lawyer to fight for you in your corner. Practicing exclusively in the field of criminal defence, this early experience with the system continues to shape how and why I practice. Walking into court every day, I am proud to stand beside the accused and to advocate fearlessly on behalf of my clients.

I began my legal career as an articling student and associate at a prominent Toronto defence firm. Drawing on a wealth of experience gained over several years with the firm, I opened Audet Criminal Law to continue fighting on behalf of those charged with serious offences.
I am passionate about protecting the rights of the accused and work closely with each of my clients to develop a trial strategy that pursues every available defence. My relentless commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for each and every case has led to the consistent and successful defence of clients charged with murder, attempt murder, firearms, human trafficking, aggravated assault, and serious drug offences. I have also represented clients on complex gun and gang investigations, including Project Traveller and Project Marvel. Over the course of my career, I have conducted trials and appeals at every level of court in Ontario.

After completing a Bachelor of Arts Degree at McGill University, I graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School where I focused primarily on criminal law and human rights. As a member of the Innocence Project, I worked to investigate and pursue claims of wrongful convictions, including those involving disgraced pathologist Dr. Charles Smith. In the summers of 2009 and 2010 I worked with youth in conflict with the law in Uganda and Sierra Leone. My research and advocacy papers have since informed government policy on juvenile justice reform in both countries.